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Sunday, February 12, 2012

Adding Javascript to "page" resource

Well this has been bugging me for a while - every time I tried to insert Javascript into the moodle html editor it never worked. You could embed content with <object> or <iframe> tags....but I'm against that because of display issues on different browsers.

Well I've finally found the simple solution - you need an extra identifier in your javascript.

<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
               your code here....

All you need to do is add the code marked in yellow above, purge your moodle cache and voila! Your javascript now works inside the moodle html editor!

Important Note:  You need to try this using "standard web forms". This option can be changed from your profile settings.


  1. Thank you... I've been looking for this for a while. It works, and it solves a lot of problems.

  2. Exactly what i was looking for...
    Thank you very much!
