I have to share this because it's an awesome addition to the Moodle system. In my particular case, I want to suspend a particular user from entering the site, and also give them a specific reason why.
- Go to their profile, as admin, and set their authentication as "No Login." Make sure this option is also enabled in the admin panel -> plugins ->authentication.
- Now we need to modify some code. Thanks to the patch from " tiagojn", it's easy to create specific messages on the login panel.
- Create a new file inside root/auth/nologin called "config.html" This allows us to create some form elements on the settings panel of "nologin" from the admin -> plugins -> authentication section.
- Here is the code for config.html:
// set to defaults if undefined
if (!isset($config->enable_specific_message)) {
$config->enable_specific_message = false;
if( !isset($config->specific_message_text)){
$config->specific_message_text = get_string('invalidlogin');
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" border="0">
<td align="right">
<label for=checkbox_enable_specific_message"><?php print_string('auth_nologin_specificmessage_select_key', 'auth_nologin'); ?></label>
global $OUTPUT;
echo html_writer::checkbox('enable_specific_message', 1, $config->enable_specific_message,'',array(id => checkbox_enable_specific_message));
<td><?php print_string('auth_nologin_specificmessage_description', 'auth_nologin'); ?></td>
<td align="right">
<label for="specific_message_text"><?php print_string('auth_nologin_specificmessage_text_key', 'auth_nologin'); ?></label>
<input id="specific_message_text" name="specific_message_text" type="text" size="100" value="<?php echo $config->specific_message_text; ?>" />
<td><?php print_string('auth_nologin_specificmessage_text_description', 'auth_nologin'); ?></td>
- Next we are going to modify an existing file called "auth.php" - should be in the same folder that you are currently in.
- We are going to add two functions to this class. So right before the ending bracket, place this code:
* Prints a form for configuring this authentication plugin.
* This function is called from admin/auth.php, and outputs a full page with
* a form for configuring this plugin.
function config_form($config, $err, $user_fields)
include "config.html";
* Processes and stores configuration data for this authentication plugin.
function process_config($config) {
// set to defaults if undefined
if (!isset($config->enable_specific_message))
$config->enable_specific_message = false;
if (!isset($config->specific_message_text))
$config->specific_message_text = get_string('invalidlogin');
// save settings
set_config('enable_specific_message', $config->enable_specific_message, 'auth/nologin');
set_config('specific_message_text', $config->specific_message_text, 'auth/nologin');
return true;
- Next we go inside the lang folder -> en -> and we'll open up "auth_nologin.php" to modify it.
- We are going to add the following strings to the file:
$string['auth_nologin_specificmessage_select_key'] = 'Enable specific "invalid login" message';
$string['auth_nologin_specificmessage_description'] = 'Presents a specific message to users marked as "nologin" when they try to authenticate. <strong>Security Warning: The message is displayed even if the password is wrong, allowing attackers to find out existing usernames.</strong>';
$string['auth_nologin_specificmessage_text_key'] = 'Message to be presented';
$string['auth_nologin_specificmessage_text_description'] = 'Only considered when the above option is selected.';
- There is only one file left to modify. Go to root/login/index.php
- Around line 239, you should see the beginning of an "if" statment:
if (empty($errormsg)) {
- We are going to replace all content between the brackets of the "if" statement like this:
if (empty($errormsg))
// check if user is set as 'nologin' and if a specific message is desired
$user_auth = $DB->get_field('user', 'auth', array('username' => $frm->username), IGNORE_MISSING);
$nologin_cfgs = get_config('auth/nologin');
if (!empty($user_auth) && $user_auth == 'nologin' && !empty($nologin_cfgs->enable_specific_message)) {
$errormsg = $nologin_cfgs->specific_message_text;
} else {
$errormsg = get_string("invalidlogin");
$errorcode = 3;
Now all your specific messages will show up on the login panel! There is one warning to this patch though:
Security Warning: The message is displayed even if the password is wrong, allowing attackers to find out existing usernames.